3 tips for beating exam anxiety

The exam period is often a stressful time of year for students. Whether exams give you nervous butterflies or send you into a full-on panic, there are steps you can take to calm yourself down and create a better headspace for tackling the challenges ahead. Here are some of our top tips for beating exam anxiety…

1. Eat a meal before you go in

When your tummy is in a knot, sometimes eating seems like the last thing you want to do. But the research is clear: students who eat a meal before their exams perform better as a result. This is especially true of breakfast, which wakes you up and boosts your blood sugar. Try to go for slow-release carbs over sugary snacks, to avoid a mid-morning energy crash!

2. Prepare and pack the night before

The last thing you need on the morning of your exam is to be searching the house for a lost protractor. Pack your exam pencil-case, alongside everything else you need to take with you, well in advance. Even lay out what you’re going to wear, and which revision notes you might want to take with you! Decision fatigue begins with the tiniest of choices - so take those choices away from yourself, by deciding it all ahead of time, and save yourself the mental effort when it matters the most. You’ll sleep better knowing you’re completely prepared for the morning, and that no last-minute panic awaits.

3. Use mindfulness techniques

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might feel overwhelmed with stress in the exam itself. The dreaded ‘blank mind’ can lead to rising panic - but it doesn’t need to result in a spiral. Practice some mindfulness techniques ahead of time that are designed to help you combat panic and anxiety. The ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1’ method is particularly useful for grounding yourself in the middle of an exam: it’s quick and effective. Breathe deeply, and mentally take note of five things you can see around you, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. Experiment and identify which mindfulness techniques work best for you.

Remember: exams may feel like the end of the world while you’re actually sitting them, but they form just one small part of your story. Try not to worry too much—they’ll be over before you know it!

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