We’re on a mission to make tutoring fair.

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About the Foundation

Tutorfair Foundation was established in 2012 by the founders of Tutorfair.com - London’s leading marketplace for private tuition. The vision was a socially responsible model of tutoring in which those who could afford extra help supported those who could not.

Now, every lesson purchased on Tutorfair.com includes a donation to the Foundation - funding which is used to run volunteer-led tutoring programmes for young people whose families are less able to pay.

Tutors who are registered with Tutorfair.com can also browse volunteering opportunities through their profile. This has proved to be a popular offer since the Foundation was established, with more than 1,000 tutors providing voluntary hours to support our projects.


About our work

We deliver all of our tutoring through partnerships - most commonly with schools, but often with charities and other organisations that support less-advantaged young people. We have worked with more than 60 such organisations and supported nearly 10,000 young people since 2012.

Over the past few years, we have supported students at primary, secondary and Post-16 levels with bespoke tutoring programmes, after-school clubs and educational events. We’ve worked closely with schools, colleges, universities other partners to ensure that the right support is in place for every young person we work with.


About our volunteers

We primarily recruit tutors by advertising voluntary opportunities through Tutorfair.com (which registered tutors can view in their opportunities inbox) as well as through this site. We also work closely with a number of London universities to involve outstanding undergraduates in our work.

All of our volunteers must meet academic requirements as well as demonstrating a keen interest in and commitment to supporting young people. Most of our volunteers already have substantial experience in education, but we have pathways in place to include individuals who are just starting out on their tutoring journey.

All tutors go through our vetting and referencing process, attend training sessions and undergo Enhanced Criminal Record Checks before getting involved.


About our funding

We operate a mixed funding model, with our income split between donations from private clients of Tutorfair.com, grant funding, Corporate Social Responsibility funding and modest contributions from our partners.

Over the past two years, we have been lucky enough to win grants from several funding bodies, including Nesta, The National Lottery, Westminster Foundation, The Betty Messenger Charitable Foundation, Sir Walter St John’s Educational charity and The Royal Society of Chemistry.